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4 officers were among 16 soldiers killed in southern Nigeria during fighting between communities

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — At least 16 soldiers, including four officers, were killed in southern Nigeria while responding to a distress call during fighting between two communities, defense officials said Saturday. The attack in the oil-rich, riverine Delta state happened in the Bomadi council area Thursday when the soldiers, deployed to keep the peace, “were surrounded by some community youths …

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Juez posterga el juicio contra Donald Trump donde está acusado por pagar a cambio de silencio

NUEVA YORK (AP) — Un juez postergó el viernes el juicio penal contra el expresidente Donald Trump en el que está acusado de pagar para evitar la difusión de información comprometedora hasta por lo menos mediados de abril, luego de que sus abogados dijeron que necesitaban más tiempo para examinar cuidadosamente la enorme cantidad de pruebas que obtuvieron recientemente de …

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