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Detectar \”zanahorias\” y \”bolsitas de té\” rusas: Ucrania decodifica conversaciones para salvar vidas

BOSQUE SEREBRYANSKY, Ucrania (AP) — Mientras la radio crepita con comunicaciones enemigas que son difíciles de descifrar, un comando ruso dice claramente: “Prepara cinco bolsitas de té chino en 38 naranja”. Un soldado ucraniano conocido en el campo de batalla como Mikhass, que ha pasado meses escuchando y analizando esas conversaciones, decodifica la jerga rápidamente. Eso significa: preparar cinco proyectiles …

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Haiti says it is working on an agreement with Kenya to secure a long-awaited police deployment

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Haiti’s government announced Wednesday that it is working on an official agreement with Kenyan officials to secure the long-awaited deployment of a police force from the east African country. High-ranking officials from both countries met in the U.S. for three days this week to draft a memorandum of understanding and set a deadline for …

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Texas emergency room’s aquarium likely saved lives when car smashed through wall, doctor says

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A large aquarium in the lobby of a Texas emergency room likely saved lives when it absorbed the impact of a car that smashed through the entrance, a hospital official said Wednesday. The crash Tuesday evening at St. David’s North Austin Medical Center killed the driver and injured five other people, including two children. “The vehicle …

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